What is The Commune?
We're a group of gamers, and we're always looking for new gamers to join us. Every month or so, we pick a game to play. We chat about the game together, and we record podcasts, record videos, and write essays. You can reach The Commune in the following ways: As for me, I'm Greg Livingston, but I go by Golem. I organize things around here.




Sep 20, 2016
An overview of gameplay in Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. The commentators have a variety of experience with strategy games, from newbie to veteran.
Dec 17, 2015
This discussion of Super Mario Land 2 covers four unique approaches to level design.
Jun 2, 2015
Puzzle games depend heavily on the player's ability to learn. What impact does BOXBOY!'s structure have on this learning process?
See the Full List


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