What is The Commune?
We're a group of gamers, and we're always looking for new gamers to join us. Every month or so, we pick a game to play. We chat about the game together, and we record podcasts, record videos, and write essays. You can reach The Commune in the following ways: As for me, I'm Greg Livingston, but I go by Golem. I organize things around here.


Viewing all podcasts for Oak.

Mood Management
Dec 18, 2015
Long Live the Queen revolves around managing Princess Elodie's state of mind. How do you prioritize each state, and how do you learn what's useful?
Dec 4, 2015
You can approach Super Mario Land 2 in any order you like! How does that influence the game's identity?
Episode 53: Stage Identity via Enemy Identity
Nov 26, 2015
Enemy design in Metal Black dictates how each stage plays.
Episode 50: Slippery Slopes
Sep 10, 2015
Splatoon contains several multiplayer modes. Can it keep competition even in all of them?